This Is Me In VR.COM

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Virtual reality devices may be used to measure and modify Gene Expression!


A Virtual Reality company located in Victoria BC Canada, ThisIsMeInVR,specializes in finding innovative new uses for the latest technologies. They combine Virtual Reality, 360 Motion capture cameras and BioSynth genetic technologies to advance their research on Tech and Biology.

They’ve done some remarkable things already, such as turning a webpage into a virtual world that you can Teleport around in,( this innovation has the potential to redefine how people surf the internet)and creating some unique 360 VR experiences such as being licked by a 60ft tall puppy, or being shrunken down to miniature size


These experiences that can be found on their web Portal or YouTube Channel with over 250 videos filmed in 360 format for viewing in VR devices. (click here if that’s new info to you to you)

Frankly, the best is yet to come.



Through a collaborative 5 year research project, on Environmental Immersion, a book has been completed and is now being produced as an amateur virtual reality tv (360vr) series on YouTube called Spheres of Influence.) During this process, they’ve figured out how use 360VR technology as a tool to measure and perhaps even modify gene expression. (this effect is known as epigenetic modification, and now combined with vr may evolve into yet another field : Percepigenetics or or SynthBioTech )

With funding and more research headed in this area, together as a species, we are about to take the next step in human evolution. Giving humanity yet another tool to modify our own adaptation to this rapidly changing world.

When funded ThisIsMeInVR will use rapid genetic testing and 360VR technology to map the DNA methylation process by which methyl groups are added to DNA by perceived environmental triggers. This is similar to the mapping of the human genome, but instead they hope to map the epigenetic effects of environmental influence.

“Virtual reality being used as a tool to suppress or activate Genes within the human body. That’s like Crispr gene modification, without the splicing!” — random person


Another benefit of this project is that it would also help to develop an understanding of the unintended consequences of Virtual reality immersion on the human body. Psychological and physiological preventative measures can start to be developed to minimize risks. In this brave new world.

This Is Me In VR is working on developing a framework for measuring these effects and making that database available to biologists and developers to enable the modification of genetic expression by choice, and provide safe and low risk Virtual Reality experiences.

for more info on epigenetic influence please read

Epigenetics - how the environment influences our genes
The science behind a rapid paradigm shift When the first human genome was decoded, popular thinking went: "If we know…